Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Did I get it right on the second try?

Right on the second try?  I successfully baked my ambitious megaquiche in my 9-inch springform pan.  No disasters this time, and I followed my instincts.  The quiche needs four whole hours to cool down, so now it's a waiting game.  The quiche was supposed to take about 90 minutes to bake, but when I checked it at the 90-minute mark, I could see it was nowhere near done.  A done quiche is still wobbly in the middle, but not liquidy; after some time, the quiche cools down and solidifies.  Mine was liquidy at 90 minutes.  My total baking time was probably a bit over two hours, but most of that was at around 300ºF (149ºC), with less than half the baking time at 350ºF (177ºC).

Once again, we've got the suntan going.  It's not burned, and it smells amazing (for such is the magic of Gruyère cheese, which is perfect for ovens), but it may not be to everyone's liking.  Not as much crust-butter leaked out of the pan as I anticipated, which is good.  I actually used a bit less butter than I normally do, but I think I made up for the lack of butter by incorporating a bit more water, most of which ought to have cooked out of the pie now.

I'll remove the pan's "collar" in the morning, and we'll see what God hath wrought.  I hope the bottom's not as well-done as last time, but that may be inevitable after two hours in the oven.

Using the springform pan is going to be awkward, especially if I bake pies with buttery crusts.  I have to have a solid tray under the pan to collect any stray butter and keep it away from the bottom of the oven, but the only solid tray I have is barely wide enough to hold the springform and stop any dripping.  I need to find out whether there are eight-inch springform pans out there; those might be more useful.

Here are two pics of tonight's efforts:

Click the pic below to enlarge:

Expect more pics soon.  The quiche is cooling now.


  1. That is an ambitious quiche, but boy does it look good.

    If you do have problems with the bottom being more done than you had hoped, you might want to try a trick that I used to use when I had a smaller oven: putting a layer of aluminum foil, shiny side down, on the rack before putting the pan on top of that. In this case, it might serve double duty--if you crimp up the edges, it can also catch any butter that might leak out.

  2. Charles,

    Thanks for the tip. I'll probably have to use it next time.



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