Creepy video making the rounds. It shows a series of athletes (and non-athletes), all mostly young and healthy-looking, collapsing, and often clutching their chests before they fall. I understand that the right is trying to draw a connection between (1) these sudden crises that never used to happen before and (2) the COVID jab, but I don't think the video does anything more than say, "Hey, there may be something to look at here." I refuse to get jabbed, but I understand if others think differently. And as I've said before, I'm also rational enough to realize that, with billions already jabbed, we ought to see billions dying if the jab really is that deadly. My own hesitancy stems from the mounting evidence that the jab causes problems: it's the increase of evidence that bothers me deeply. I'm a stroke victim: I don't need to risk cardiac or neurological problems on top of the burden I already carry. We all take our own lives in our hands every day, so it comes down to risk assessment, and there are many legitimately rational ways to deal with this pandemic. One rational way is to assess the risks and get jabbed. Another is to assess the risks and avoid the jab. I know where I stand, but I'm not going to stop you if you decide otherwise. Just don't get in my face about my decisions.
And while we're on the subject of across-the-aisle discourse, let's talk about the left's annoyance at this rightie attempt to associate sudden deaths with the jab. What has the left been doing all this fucking time if not associating sudden rightie deaths with not being jabbed? See, it works both ways, guys. Sauce for the goose.
Yeah, live and let live. That's how it's always been until this current insanity came along. I seem to recall a mantra of "my body, my choice" that the left embraced. What happened to that?