Wednesday, March 03, 2021

vote-reform redux


Supreme Court Appears Favorable to Arizona Election Integrity Lawsuits

“I think we all should agree at this point that we want to have confidence in our election system,” Brnovich, the state’s Republican attorney general, said in an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times days before his Supreme Court appearance, in which he shared his views about the upcoming oral argument at the high court and electoral integrity measures in general.

“We want orderly elections,” he said, adding that he was optimistic that the court appearance would help to generate momentum for electoral integrity measures nationwide.

More Americans need to become active in defending the nation’s founding and the institutions that came out of it, he said.

There is a certain amount of establishment thinking out there “that just wants to go along to get along … [but] the stakes are so high right now in this country that we need champions that understand what the framers of our Constitution established here in this country.”

There is a “need to understand traditional notions of federalism and to understand that the Constitution is all about protecting rights, and that the government is supposed to be limited and its powers defined.”

Forbidding unlimited third-party ballot harvesting is a “commonsense” way to protect the secret ballot, and to prevent undue influence, voter fraud, ballot tampering, and voter intimidation, Brnovich said.

Reform will take years, and there's no guarantee that we'll ever reach a point where the issue of legal, legitimate voting is absolutely settled.  For that reason, the battles must be fought yard by yard.  My buddy Steve is delusionally calling these efforts "pursuit of full-on minority rule."  That's consistent with the left's distorted worldview.  I call it fairness.  If you can't trust the electoral system, it's only a short step to total societal chaos.  Right now, half the country thinks the 2020 election was an utter fraud.  What's to stop the next election from being a might-makes-right superbrawl?  Hot civil war is right around the corner.

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