Monday, October 07, 2024

some food pics

From October 2 (the Wednesday between holidays):

Don't reheat Alfredo in the microwave, and try not to mix in pesto on a live burner. Residual heat only.

Above: I'd added cream to my Alfredo sauce to reduce the garlicky taste (this move proved successful), then I'd added some pesto—frozen, but with a huge layer of olive oil on top to keep it from oxidizing. The unmixed look of the "sealant" oil makes the sauce look separated and nasty, but I assure you, nothing got separated. Had I reheated everything in the microwave, then you'd have seen a truly separated sauce.

thawed after a warm bath

Here's the sauce with that layer of olive oil. Freezing pesto lets it last longer. (Mike's suggestion was to use an ice-cube tray, something I've heard before.) I thaw it before using by letting the pesto sit in a bath of warm water. Whatever's left over goes back into the freezer.

The keto noodles were interesting to make. I used my new piping bag with a flat-nozzled tip to try to pipe out fettuccine, but the noodles kept breaking once they hit the boiling water, creating something between fettuccine and Spaetzle. A quick boil, then a shallow-fry of everything, and voilĂ —quasi-noodles that weren't half bad.

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