Wednesday, May 26, 2021

finally figured out the whole blood-sugar-machine thing

The blood-sugar monitor sucks, but it's part of my reality for now. I finally figured out how to use it this morning, so I can now look forward to plenty of finger-pricking. Hooray. This morning's reading was 160, which is high. The ultimate goal is to get it down to a routine 90 by December 31; we'll see whether that's possible. I worked on some graphs yesterday to chart out my progress; I'll talk about those in a different post. I did notice I was a teeny bit less tired yesterday than on Monday, so maybe we're seeing some progress in that area as well.

More later. 


  1. Good to hear that there was a decrease in fatigue. Easy does it. Progress will take time. How's the low-carb diet going?

  2. Low-carb is boring, but going well. I'm watching videos about how to make better-tasting keto food. We'll see how it goes.

  3. I hate pricks generally, but finger pricks sound especially irritating. I remember my mom having to do that. Still, if you can avoid injecting insulin in the future it will be worth it.

    Hang in there.



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