Saturday, May 29, 2021

I do still write in French

Email written to my buddy Dominique just an hour or two ago:


Désolé de ne pas avoir répondu jusqu'ici.

En Corée, on fait la même chose qu'en France—vaccin en deux phases. Il y a des rumeurs qu'on va pouvoir se balader démasqué dès juillet, donc j'attends ça. Pas vacciné pour le moment, mais je le serai bientôt; il y a des centres et des cliniques partout. Je ne sais pas comment on va déterminer qui a été vacciné et qui est toujours sans vaccin ("passeport"?), mais j'imagine que le gouvernement trouvera un moyen. (Oh, comme je déteste le gouvernement...)

Le rétablissement continue post-AVC. On dit que les trois premiers mois sont les plus importants; heureusement que je n'aie pas perdu de fonction mentale (tu t'imagines si j'avais perdu la capacité de parler français et/ou coréen?); c'est juste le côté physique qui est problématique. Après être sorti de l'hôpital, je continue à maigrir. Je dois visiter l'hôpital le 10 juin; après cette visite, je vais commencer un régime anti-diabétique assez sérieux basé sur un livre que j'ai lu quand j'étais sur le dos à l'hôpital. (Un ami britannique a suggéré le livre.) Je me remets peu à peu.

Bon, j'espère que tout va bien chez les Ducoulombier. Merci pour ton email et à très bientôt.



Just to prove I still have my language faculties.


  1. Way ahead of the rest of us. I studied French for 4 years and can't for the life of me figure out what any of that means. Good sign all 3 of your languages are still functional.

  2. I'd put up my text messages in Korean, but my Korean is awful. I speak and write like a retard, and having a stroke hasn't helped.

  3. For what it's worth, the message doesn't say anything earth-shattering (you could probably just run it through Google Translate):


    Sorry not to have written up to now.

    In Korea, they're doing the same thing they're doing in France—vaccine in two stages. There are rumors that we'll be able to walk around unmasked come July, so I'm waiting for that. Am not vaccinated for the moment, but I will be soon; there are centers and clinics everywhere. I'm not sure how they'll determine who's been vaccinated and who is still un-vaccinated ("passport"?), but I imagine the government will find a way. (Oh, how I detest the government...)

    Healing continues post-stroke. They say the first three months are the most important; fortunately, I didn't lose any mental function (can you imagine if I lost the ability to speak French and/or Korean?); it's only the physical aspect that's problematic. After leaving the hospital, I continue to slim down. I have to visit the hospital on June 10; after that visit, I'll be starting a rather serious anti-diabetic regime based on a book I read while I was on my back in the hospital. (A British friend suggested it to me.) I'm getting better, little by little.

    Well, I hope all is good at the Ducoulombier residence. Thanks for your email and until very soon.





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