Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy New Year!

All the best for 2019.

I hear fireworks outside my window. Or unicorn farts, as I call them.

OK, I've never called fireworks unicorn farts.

ADDENDUM: I rang in the new year by listening to "Classical Gas" by Mason Williams:

(I think the song has been misattributed to Clapton, who never did a cover of this.)

Another, very lively improv version here:


  1. That's one of my old favorites and I'm old enough to remember listening to it on the radio back in my high school days. It was good to hear it again!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year. Just got back from a holiday in the States with the family. My main resolution is to improve my Korean. I am taking classes at the local university but this middle aged white guy hasn't made enough time to study vocabulary. I've discovered that grammar is nothing without a properly large vocabulary. Maybe this is the year I put serious time aside to study.

  3. 좋은 목표이네요!
    그럼 열심히 공부하세요!
    앞으로 이 블로그에서 댓글을 쓰시려면 한국말로~!

  4. I post have been posting this every New Year for quite a while now. I still do it.

    Umpteen years ago, I happened to be at my folks for New Years. The guys were asleep on couches and Mom and I were sitting drinking and talking and talking and talking. Those of you that knew Mary will remember late evenings like that.

    The subject of resolutions came up and somehow we decided we were going to do a good deed at least once every day for a year.

    It seemed so much better than depriving ourselves of something, or quitting something, or losing weight or whatever. While there are days we could do a really good deed, it could also be as simple as letting someone ahead of us in traffic, helping a person find the right aisle in the grocery, being nice to a telemarketer, or even a simple smile when someone needed it.

    Mom passed away later that year.

    I have done a good deed every day since, for the all these years. Every single day I could.

    And every time I do, I think of her.

    Thanks Mom.



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