Tuesday, March 17, 2020

test walk

I need to post about how things are going with my bike, but the more urgent update is that I'll be trying out a test walk tonight. My right foot still aches, so I know it's not 100% ready for this, and I also know that tonight's test walk might actually set things back a bit if I stress a healing injury, but I'm going kind of nuts not being able to do any distance walking. Biking is a poor substitute for an activity I love; even when I was young, I never viewed biking as much more than a utilitarian option for getting from one place to another a little faster. I'm too old and set in my ways for biking to replace walking as a favorite activity. My apologies to the various readers who have cheered my turn to cycling as a surrogate for walking; I mean no disrespect. I certainly won't say that walking is better than biking in any objective sense; it's only a question of what's best for you. If flying along on a two-wheeler is your thing, then God bless you. For me, though, it's not the two-wheeler experience, but rather the two-feeter experience that makes me the happiest. And I can't wait to get back to that.

So I'll try walking partway toward the Han River tonight, just to see what happens when I accrue about 15,000 steps for the day. Then I'll wait a few hours and report the condition of my feet and mind to you.


  1. Daniel,

    That's about what I ended up walking (almost 11K steps). And it turned out to be enough.

  2. Well, I like both but they are different. Back when I had my bike I'd do a morning ride and an afternoon walk. I do get what you mean about the walking experience being satisfying in a way that biking is not. I'm not sure why that is, perhaps it is just a preference, but it FEELS different somehow.

    Hope the walk turned out well for you.



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