Friday, June 03, 2022

did Amber Heard kill #MeToo?

Amber Heard has shown herself to be a psychopath who, in the manner of psychopaths, has no understanding of the implications of what just went down in court. She persists in her narcissistic self-delusion, and in the end, she won't suffer any deep consequences from any of this. Her lawyers are already appealing the court's decision, so this isn't the end by any means. The entire system is there to support and abet her psychopathy. The above video contends that Heard's trial, which was made public to the world, will probably lead to the death of the #MeToo movement, but I don't think so. The world operates according to Murphy's Law: if I sit down in a movie theater hoping to enjoy a movie, some asshole will sit behind me and talk throughout the entire screening. By the same token, what seems like a sure victory for Johnny Depp will probably prove to be insignificant in the long run. The best thing is that Depp will, in some measure, get his life back (and he'll still be a leftie stooge), but Amber won't suffer any deep consequences for lying repeatedly in court. By rights, she ought to be in jail on multiple counts of perjury, but as we see, that's not how American jurisprudence works.

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