Sunday, May 21, 2023

Jamie Foxx joins my club

A short while back, Jamie Foxx was said to have experienced some sort of "medical emergency" on set. Thanks to the loose-lipped Mike Tyson—a friend of Foxx—we now know that Foxx had suffered a stroke and may have been clinically dead at one point (this could just be a rumor), with the medical team "reviving" him. Foxx is 55, just a year older than me. A few people privately asked me whether I was "too young" to be having a stroke—a mildly offensive question, but whatever—and my experience in the hospital stroke ward showed me that strokes hit people of all ages. I specifically remember a young, cute 20-something girl who became a pile of jelly on the floor when people tried lifting her out of her wheelchair to take a walk. Strokes can hit anyone, and Foxx strikes me as being in otherwise good shape. One source said he suffers from high blood pressure.

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