Saturday, August 26, 2023

boeuf update

Good morning! I strained out the liquid from the beef Burgundy, got it boiling, then added a cornstarch slurry to thicken it up. I stirred intensely with a whisk as the cornstarch gelatinized, then strained the liquid back into the beef and mushrooms to make sure no weird lumps of cornstarch ended up in the mix (they can look like disgusting lumps of fat, or even like random earlobe cartilage). The whole thing is back in my fridge now, where it'll seize up and become goopy. Once I'm at my boss's place, I'll have to reheat the whole thing so that it's ready to serve. A gentle reheat on medium low ought to do the trick. With what is essentially a cornstarch gravy now, I can't reheat at too high of a temperature because that would burn the mixture. Never burn your sauces and gravies: the burned flavor gets into everything.

Now if only my boss had a big chafing dish...

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