Sunday, August 20, 2023

images (here we go again)

Let's see if I get another no-explanation warning label slapped on me this time:

Yet another conspiracy about Obama and his family is that Michelle Obama is actually a man, and the Obama daughters were birthed by someone else (DNA test!). I dismiss this as I dismiss the nonsense about Obama being a Muslim or being born in Kenya. But you have to admit that calling the tough, muscular Michelle Obama "Big Mike" is kinda funny.

Admittedly, there are some obvious responses to this.

South Korea wants to go cashless. Christ.

Which is why we keep repeating this.

Bidenomics for the win!


They say his pattern is: (1) deny, (2) ignore, (3) claim he did a great job.

(Tweet from 2020.) Is Chuck Woolery a conservative? I didn't even realize he was still alive. Oh, he's 82!

So when do we do that?

This is an extremely cynical theory, but it's currently getting a lot of air play.

Help! I'm bein' repressed!

Farther down is the "Che tee shirt" meme.

True or not, that's funny.

Supply the two missing bits of punctuation.

Left to right: decreasing levels of nobility.

Different angle, or did the stump somehow move?

Pretty much. And women are harsher to women than men are.

I still don't understand.

Dawg wins! But did the guy at the end also stop the woman?

One of these days...

There's commentary happening here. I can feel it.

As the old Chinese proverb goes: Buy Che, reveal idiocy.

So the hillbilly is revealed when he says "what has went on."

But you've got to respect where he's coming from.

And he doesn't sound like a hater who wants to burn the other side. Makes him better'n me.

That slide was astoundingly instantaneous.

Basically, people can't read or think.

My bio teacher said: "The law of the septic tank—the biggest pieces rise to the top."

8:05, more like.

This is so John McCrarey. I thought San Mig was just his favorite beer. Instead, he's conforming to a stereotype. Or maybe San Mig has so cornered the market in the Philippines that you have no choice but to buy it and like it.

The hostage didn't need saving, anyway. But, hey—good grouping!

I laughed and laughed at this.

I know what this feels like.

I like the implication that a lot of this bullshit is more of a woman problem than anything. And women are supposedly the ones who are more empathetic.

Insert the two commas. And correct the spelling of "Yea." And I fucking hate summer.

Gramsci gets mentioned a lot. I need to read up on him.

Yeah: how do pigs go through the day not wanting to eat themselves?

But New Yorkers will never admit that. Take pride in your shithole!

It's been interesting to watch how opinions about this lady have changed (not to mention the varied assessments of her looks, going from "too thicc" to "damn hot"). She was vilified by everyone at first, then people started coming out in defense of her, then she publicly apologized for her behavior and threw everyone into further confusion.

Oh, the painful scraping. I can almost feel this.


But he doesn't look Chinese.

Ever been in one of those moods?

I did construction for two weeks in the summer as a high-schooler. Discovered my fear of heights.

And there's your dad joke.

Is that stat correct? And where's it from? I'm remembering Carlin's "We are a warlike culture" bit.

I saw a smartass reply to this that said, "But I'm off-grid with a composting toilet." I replied that you're still metaphysically connected to all the other straining assholes out there.

Charles? Is Adams on to something?

Yup. Hawaii is a shit-show. What a shame.

Cross-eyed Catherine in jail again for attempted murder.

At least, it's not "Bdrumsticks."

Why red states don't want blue-voting diaspora.

But we never hear about this.


Tats are a good way to rapidly assess the wisdom of people's life-choices.

Guys... this is a real movie. Trailer here.

You see the news about the biological female who is trans and pregnant? She's insisting she proves that men can have babies. (It might not be just one such person.)

Fauci knows.


I probably converted to PDF long ago.

See previous beach photo.

Well, I for one am feeling as if Google is watching me more closely.

about the only thing it's good for

I have to wonder how this crazy bitch feels about having become meme fodder.

No. Too logical.

Sold. Until they start drooping, anyway.

I miss these guys sometimes.

Someone needs a nice cattle-prod enema.

never lubed

I guess this is in reference to Hurricane Hilary (one "L").

Note that he's not called an "ex-vegetarian," so he's still practicing his filthy religion.

Instead of morning wood, I want evening wood that arises unbidden.

Git off mah lawn!

Another McCrarey meme.

I don't recall ever hearing my calculus teacher say "derive." It was always "take the derivative (of)."

Since we've established that Joe doesn't write his own tweets, who's the schizo?


John from Daejeon said...

There should also be a period after winter. I guess a punctuation mark is just too much to ask for these days.

Kevin Kim said...

Good call.

John Mac said...

San Miguel is likely the largest corporate entity in the Philippines. Their reach goes far beyond beer, but they are indeed the dominant brewery featuring several brands. You can find other beers here, usually imports with premium pricing, though.

The girls are hot, with or without the beer.

Charles said...

"Is Adams on to something?"

Spot on, I think. That doesn't mean that AI can't be useful, just that people need to stop freaking out about it.

The André the Giant thing is real, by the way. Cary Elwes mentions it in his reminiscences on the film, As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride (which is definitely worth reading if you are a fan of the film).

Also, is calling Michelle Obama "Big Mike" really funny, or is it just playing into racist tropes about black women? Because it kind of seems like the latter to me.

Kevin Kim said...

I'd say it's really funny. I'm not even sure which racist tropes you're referring to. Is there some idea that black women are over-muscular? If this is about muscularity, I've seen plenty of jokes about Eastern European and Russian women on that score. I can't say I've seen the same about black women. When I have seen tropes about black women, it's usually either big booties or sistas looking angry and/or yelling a lot.

On that note: I've seen some horrible images out there that pair an angry pic of Michelle Obama up with an angrily screeching baboon. That's clearly racist. The "Big Mike" joke strikes me as less about black women in general and more about Michelle in particular, especially in how her somewhat brawny physique contrasts with that of her slight husband (who looks to have the slim, agile body of a tap dancer). And the whole ridiculous rumor that she's actually a man strikes me as rooted more in an anti-trans sentiment than a racist one. So maybe I could be accused of enjoying an obliquely anti-trans joke precisely because it's ridiculous.* But again, I see this joke as a specific comment on Michelle herself, not as sourced in a more general hatred of her "type," whatever "type" that is.


*Think of how Larry Flynt won against Jerry Falwell in court (libel suit, I think). Hustler won because no reasonable person could conclude that the cartoon depicting Falwell doing his mother was anything other than ridiculous.

Kevin Kim said...

I wrote:

On that note: I've seen some horrible images out there that pair an angry pic of Michelle Obama up with an angrily screeching baboon. That's clearly racist.

To anticipate an objection: so what about that pic of AOC that equates her to a braying donkey?

The disanalogy is that "black man as monkey" is, in fact, an old and pernicious racist trope with a nasty pedigree, but I can't recall any historical instance in which Latino people were collectively portrayed—over a long period—as braying asses with big teeth. AOC's cute from some angles, maybe (I don't think so), but like it or not, she's cursed with that donkey face. So this is all about her.

Charles said...

Your anticipated objection had not even crossed my mind, to be honest. I was thinking specifically about some of the comments that the Williams sisters have been subjected to regarding their physicality. Come to think of it (especially considering your comment on Eastern European and Russian women getting the same treatment) perhaps it is more of a sexist trope--how "delicacy" equals "femininity," etc.

(Incidentally, something can be racist/sexist/whatever and still be funny, as humor is subjective.)

Also, to elaborate on my very brief comment on Scott Adams' AI mini-rant...

You might be wondering why AI is a central issue in the current writers' strike in Hollywood if AI can't really produce anything truly creative. My reply there would be that is less an AI problem and more a "Hollywood execs are just cheap bastards who don't want to pay their creatives what they're worth and are thus willing to use an AI that spits out formulaic pablum because they know that most viewers will eat it up anyway" problem.

I presented my paper on AI in education last week, and if I could sum up the point of that paper in one sentence, it would probably be this: The problems that we are seeing in education now with the advent of LLMs are not problems with the AI itself--they are problems that have existed for decades and have simply been brought into the light by AI.

Kevin Kim said...

I'd still be interested in reading that paper. Assuming it's in English! If it were in French, there'd be no problem, but if you wrote it in Korean, there's no way I can slog through that with my abysmal reading level. Can it be emailed? If so, and if it's in Korean, I can try running it through Google Translate and Zenning out the meaning.