Tuesday, August 29, 2023

I have no idea what's going on

I would have been happy to finish August with barely over 20K unique visits, but I've had a meaty week or two that put me over the 30K mark, then yesterday, I had nearly 3K visitors (a bit over 2800). Today, I'm at 7K visitors and counting, and as usual, I have no clue why. Even if you subtract half that number to account for bots, 3.5K is still very impressive by my humble standards. I wish I could figure out the magic formula for high visitor numbers, but it eludes me, and it always feels so random when it happens.

UPDATE: I'm at nearly 11K visits now. Traffic has slowed down over the past couple hours, so I might not even hit 11K (I'm a bit past 10.5K), but damn, what a day, huh?


John Mac said...

Yeah, it is nice to have your efforts rewarded with readers enjoying your daily smorgasbord of thoughts and insights. I know I look forward to it every morning. Maybe someone somewhere with a well-read blog links to you, causing the surge in numbers. I'll never forget an Instapundit link's impact on my page views. Only once, and only for the day, but still...

Kevin Kim said...

I think I got an Instalanche once, and I also got a Steven Den Beste-lanche one time. Den Beste has since died.

When I checked my blog's site meter to see where most of the hits were coming from, it obliquely reported, "google.com." Nothing more specific than that. So I remain clueless as to what really happened. Today, numbers seem normal. I'll end the day with my usual 600-ish visits.