Friday, August 25, 2023

Doug with the debate and interview postmortem

Here's Doug in Exile talking about both the Trump-Tucker interview and the GOP debate. Like so many others, Doug sees Trump as the clear winner of the night, with the GOP debaters being little more than "leftovers." (For what it's worth, I did see one post-debate poll that put Ramaswamy way ahead of everyone else on that stage, including DeSantis.)

I'm sad that Doug doesn't have anything really substantive to say about the issues batted around during the debate, but I'm not surprised by Doug's attitude: he makes clear, near the end of the video, that he sees the debate as insignificant, with every debater being a loser compared to Trump. I disagree; from what I've read and watched, the debate covered important topics, and the audience reacted strongly, in both positive and negative ways, because these were all issues that hit a nerve. 

I think Doug is underestimating the significance of the debate.

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