Monday, August 21, 2023

hey, mister!

a mister—part of a random set of misters—on the way to the pharmacy

Hey, mister!

I wonder whether I'm now being throttled. For several days now, I've been unable to publish posts for several hours out of the day. Take today for example. For the past few hours, I've been able to access certain parts of Blogger's functionality but not others, e.g., the parts I need for writing and publishing blogs. So I've used a back-channel and published this entry—horrid pun and all—via email through my cell phone, something I haven't done in years. (This publishing-by-phone was called "moblogging" back in the day, short for "mobile blogging.") The paragraph I'm writing right now is being written in Blogger proper; my assumption was that moblogging would allow me to gain a foothold in Blogger itself, and I think I was right.

Of course, I could be being paranoid. Maybe I'm not being throttled at all. Maybe the past few days have been some sort of hiccup that will sort itself out soon, with everything going back to normal. But right now, the timing feels suspicious: a post of mine just got flagged, then this happens the next day. These "blackout" hours seem to occur at random points throughout the day. How much of this is a brain fart and how much deliberately malicious action? I have no clue. If this doesn't smooth out over the next few days, I'll definitely have to consider moving off

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