Saturday, August 27, 2005

slice and dice, baby

Does anybody know where I can find one of these in Korea?



  1. Can't you just order it from the states?

    If not, let me know and I'll be more than happy to help out. Anything to encourage the foodblogging :)

  2. Mighty kind of you. I may take you up on your offer.

    To order from Amazon, I'd have to use a credit card. I have a Visa check card linked to my American bank account, but that account is routinely dry because the money I dump into it every month goes straight to my yawning scholastic debt.

    I have more funds in my Korean bank account than I do in my American one, so effecting a payment via account transfer here is easier than trying to buy through Amazon. This wouldn't be an issue if I had a couple hundred dollars to spare in my American account.




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