Thursday, August 11, 2005

This will be a good life. Good enough.

(I'm hoping someone will catch the reference in this post's title.)

So I woke up this cloudy, grey morning and thought to myself:

You know... I really can't complain. What more does a man need than an ass full of crap, a nose full of snot, and a dick full of steel to face the day?



  1. It begins here—an army—to bring sense to a world plagued by worse than thieves and murderers… This will be a good life… Good enough.
    - Batman

    "You know... I really can't complain. What more does a man need than an ass full of crap, a nose full of snot, and a dick full of steel to face the day?"

    Hmmm, how about a good place to relieve/remedy each of those?

  2. That was just too damn easy, wasn't it.

    In answer to your question:

    1. Hilton Hotel crapper
    2. Madonna's pubes
    3. Between the thighs of that girl on Joel's recent Girl Monday pic.

  3. IMHO, #1 & #2 are interchangeable. But not, #2 & #3. And definitely not #1 & #3!!!

  4. Finally some appreciation! All I've been getting was crap for not posting an Asian.

    Well at least I think it's some appreciation, but that Madonna thing makes me question it.


  5. "...and a dick full of steel to face the day?"

    Have you been inserting things inside your pecker again? Doesn't that hurt?


  6. Nomad-- you've set it up like a multiple choice question on the SAT!

    Joel-- a lotta white guys have a thing for Asian chicks. It's about time we had some Asian guys with a thing for white chicks, ja?

    But despite her whiteness, gap-toothed Madonna has never done it for me. She's never inspired me to rap about how much I wanna bust dat body. Angela Steelman, on the other hand, puts steel in the man.

    ...You know, when it's that easy to make a bad sexual pun out of some lady's name, you have to wonder whether it's her real name. A bit like when you're faced with the name Christy Canyon.

    Wild Willy-- Thanks. My blog is definitely being taken over by the insane.


  7. Amen, brother!

    Re: Willy's comment... I lived with a man (the WASband) who used to jam sharp objects into his shween--not a pretty sight! Oh God... the shame!

  8. Why stop at Asian guys for a thing with white chicks? Why not white guys with a thing for white chicks? It'll blow them away.

    I do find her name a little ironic considering the photos, but since it was taken from a surfing site where all the girls were amateur surfers I tend to think it might be her actual name.




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