Friday, June 16, 2017

the payoff

It was supposed to happen today, but alas, it'll have to happen on Monday: the payoff of my third of four major debts. My company's finance department was especially slow in direct-depositing my salary today; the money didn't show up until after my bank had closed at 4PM. That was frustrating but not surprising; our accounting/finance department is slow as hell and staffed with stupid people who seem to be on pot.

Anyway, I'll be wiring $8000 to my US bank account on Monday. That same day, I'll log on to my Wells Fargo account, click the "pay everything off" button, and we'll be golden. $6000 will go to paying off Wells Fargo, which took over my eMax loan (that dates all the way back to 1999—eighteen fucking years of this shit). Another $1000 will go to my remaining revolving debt, and the last $1000 will go to paying down my credit card, on which I'd racked up quite a bill during my long walk, thanks to all those motels and restaurants and convenience stores. By the end of 2017, I'll have about $17,000 in the bank, roughly $10,000 of which will go, this year, to paying off my fourth and final major debt. At the end of 2018, I'll pay off that debt in its entirety, which will nearly wipe me out as it's a nearly $50,000 obligation. But after that, I'll have no major debts left, and within a year, I'll have over $30,000 cash in the bank. By the end of 2020, that figure will be over $70,000. And it only goes up from there, especially if I end up with a raise in 2018: it may be that I'm going to become a supervisor. We'll see how that goes, though; nothing is written in stone yet.

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