Wednesday, March 04, 2020


Seen on Instapundit, then altered back to its original form:

I suppose the leftist response to the above is that the current rightie government is inept while a hypothetical leftie government would be competent. Given how things play out under leftie governments (e.g., violence- and crime-ridden, polluted Democrat-run metropolises), I wouldn't be so sure about that.


John Mac said...

The lefties are doing a bang-up job in California, so there's one example. And the Iowa caucus showed an amazing level of incompetence. But really though, when it comes to the Federal bureaucracy it's not a (D) or an (R) thing. Government workers are simply not accountable to the electorate and have no real motivation to strive for excellence. I watched that sausage being made for 35 years. And yes, there are individual exceptions but even the best workers are powerless to influence the way a massive government program is run.

Kevin Kim said...

All good points.