Thursday, August 17, 2023

terlit repair

The toilet-repair guy is at my place:

no plumber's crack, thank Jeebus

So there was another miscommunication. The previous repair crew, which didn't see my toilet leaking, had said to call if my toilet should leak again (which struck me as a remarkably incurious thing to say), but it turns out my HR office had contacted a different team—specifically about repairing the toilet. That guy is here now, but he initially went to either the wrong building or the wrong apartment in my building, so I had to go through a back-and-forth with HR about that. Anyway, the guy made it to my place, and that's him, above, having ripped out the toilet. I'm not watching what he's doing all that closely, but I know he's probably replacing the toilet's wax ring (which is where most leaks happen), then reinstalling the toilet and caulking everything with silicone sealant. I've been warned not to sit on the toilet for 24 hours; this will give the sealant time to dry. I also need to keep the bathroom well ventilated, so my electric fan is at the ready and already blowing.

UPDATE: the repair guy told me, on his way out, not to use the toilet until after 6 p.m. tomorrow. I guess I'm going to get acquainted with my building's public restrooms.

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