Friday, November 11, 2005

mince, alors!

A picture worth a thousand words...

The caption on the original page reads:

Elles ont brûlé pendant la nuit du 8 au 9 novembre, dans les cités de la banlieue strasbourgeoise. Comme quelque 1100 autres véhicules, partout en France, victimes de la colère des quartiers sensibles.

They burned during the night from November 8 to 9, in the suburban projects of Strasbourg-- victims, along with some 1100 other vehicles all over France, of the anger of the "sensitive quarters."

[NB: I'm not sure how much I like that term, "sensitive quarters." It calls to mind some woman's clitoris detaching itself and going on a rampage. I need to find a different way to translate "quartier sensible." "Hot zone" comes to mind, but that expression comes freighted with its own nasty associations.]


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