Friday, February 14, 2020

foot pain

I don't know what happened, but I may have done something to my foot during my Thursday-night walk. I was doing my usual route along the Tan Creek to the Han River, but my foot was getting progressively achier, and then I suddenly felt and heard almost the same bone-deep popping that happened during my most recent walk to Busan (here). As before, I walked a couple minutes farther to test out whether anything had broken (like a bone) or snapped (like a tendon), and nothing had. There was just a steady ache that got bad enough for me to begin limping. I was incredulous at how quickly the pain escalated.

So I decided, at around the 11K-step mark, to halt the walk, limp up to street level, and grab a cab back to my apartment. Once home, I peeled off my sock to see whether there was any telltale swelling, and there wasn't any. The foot—my right foot—was simply achy and tender; it was becoming hard even to put it on the floor. I overdosed on pain meds, and that helped only slightly, so for the moment, I'm thinking the best solution is simply to crawl into bed and lay off my foot for a long block of several hours. We'll see how I am come morning. So much for any plans to walk to Yangpyeong this weekend.

Weight update: I bumped up to 124 kg, a gain of 1 kg. I'm not too stressed about that. Once my foot heals, I'll get right back to walking, and I might even begin to incorporate some staircase action into my routine. I think the weight loss has already hit a plateau, so it's time to ramp up the intensity a bit. But not quite yet: healing comes first.

Weight update 2: it's late Friday morning, and the scale now puts me at 123.5 kg. I guess I peed and/or pooped out half a kilo last night. I've seen this kind of fluctuation before.

UPDATE: it took a couple hours, but we've got swelling, now, so it looks as though I'll be limping over to the local hospital to get X-rayed and otherwise treated. Joy.


  1. Sorry to hear this and hope it's nothing serious. I've occasionally gotten foot pain out of the blue (without the popping sound) but nothing I couldn't "walk-off". Good luck at the doctor!

  2. I'm sorry to hear this, Kevin. I hope you locate the problem and get it fixed.

    Jeffery Hodges

    * * *

  3. Sucks to hear about the foot. Maybe they'll actually be able to tell you what the deal is, and hopefully you'll be on the mend soon!



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