Sunday, March 01, 2020

no Stey-ing power

Billionaire Tom Steyer (apparently pronounced "stigh-er," not "stay-er," so there goes the blog title's joke) has just dropped out of the presidential race. Here's his valedictory speech:

It's actually a pretty humble and positive speech, all things considered. He of course gets his digs in by claiming that "any Democrat is a million times better than Trump," but when he's focused on his political bedfellows, he comes off as a likable, humble guy with energy to spare. I don't know much about his personal convictions or what policies he's been supporting, mainly because, like most of the country, I hear his name and go, "Tom who?" Steyer's net worth is a relatively meager $1.6 billion, which makes him a minor billionaire beneath even Trump (between $3 billion and $4 billion; for reference, Oprah's net worth is around $2.7 billion while Jeff Bezos's net worth is around $123 billion).

Anyway, the winnowing continues, and another irrelevant campaigner has dropped out.

ADDENDUM: Instapundit gets snarky about Steyer's dropping out.

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