Friday, December 24, 2021

the quest for Stollen ends in failure

I trained out to Apgujeong Station to visit Hyundai Department Store's massive bakery section, absolutely sure that at least one of the bakeries or pastry shops there would have to be selling Stollen at Christmas. I walked every inch of that space, but it was all in vain. There was no Stollen to be found, and I didn't have the heart to look anywhere else. Saddened, I took a taxi home, not wanting to spend any more time inside the bacteria factory that is Seoul's subway system. Alas, the taxi driver proved to be something of an idiot, too, forcing me to repeat my destination to him six or seven times before he finally understood, and that only soured my mood further. I came home too discouraged to go out again and deliver the newly baked quiche to JW; I'll do it tomorrow after I'm back from my Christmas walk.

Tonight, I'll just do what I can to calm back down, eat a personal-size quiche I just baked with the remainder of my quiche filling and custard, have some ice cream for dessert, watch a movie called "Boss Level," then crawl into bed so I can have a walk fairly early tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe I'll look for Stollen again. It might be on sale somewhere in or near Itaewon.

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