Thursday, May 04, 2023

home today and tomorrow

Tomorrow, May 5, is Children's Day in Korea, which is a holiday for many sectors of the population. It's what is called a "red day" for my hagweon, i.e., an official day off for the school. Technically, my new contract says that I am no longer an employee so much as a freelancer, so I don't actually have to follow the "red day" policy: I can determine my own hours to the extent that I don't interrupt the workings of the company (e.g., if something is urgent and due by close of business on a given Friday, I can't just take that Friday off). In other words, I can theoretically work on a red day and take a different day off, or I can work extra hours, then add those hours up and take a comp-time day off (which is pretty much how I've arranged things with the boss since the beginning).

I've accrued a bunch of extra hours since late last year, so I decided to cash in and give myself an extra day off, which means I have today off, and we're all taking advantage of the red day tomorrow, so I'm essentially enjoying a four-day weekend.

The disadvantage of being home on a mid-spring weekday, with a studio window that faces west, is that the apartment gets hot in the afternoon and early evening. I'm still using fans to cool myself down, but before long, I'll be back to running my A/C, a prospect I dread because the damn thing leaks and stinks. Normally, at this time of year, a hot apartment isn't an issue because I work late and don't get home until sometime between 8:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.—by which point the apartment has cooled down somewhat. But because I'm currently home all day, I'm feeling the heat.

Projects this weekend include inflating my bike tires with my new, Presta-compatible bicycle pump; prepping the deli sandwiches for Monday (which means shopping for remaining ingredients and making bread, tapenade, and pesto); picking up meds from the pharmacy (just did that); and writing up some diet charts for both me and my Korean coworker. My coworker is intent on reducing his blood sugar, so I'll be introducing him to the keto diet. He's thin, so for him, this isn't about losing weight so much as it's about reducing his blood-sugar numbers, which are a bit high.

I've also got a review of "Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves" to write up (it's on streaming video), so expect that piece to appear soon.


  1. Have you thought about installing some sort of window shade to help block out or reflect the heat?

  2. I've got shades on that window already, but they're not very effective, so the next step would be something curtain-like or just good old tin foil, like they use on windows in Alaska to block out the sun during those long-ass days. I already use tin foil on the windows that face into my hallway (which has lights on 24/7). But that's a rather permanent option. Curtains might be better if I can figure out a way to set them up.

  3. Enjoy your time off; you've earned it. If it gets too hot, go sit in the park for a while. Or, as the other John suggests, go shopping for curtains.

  4. Looking forward to your review on the D&D film. HJ and I just went out last night to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy film. I'm still digesting it, but I thought it was really good. Don't know if I will get around to writing up a review, though. It will require more thought and digestion, at least.



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