Tuesday, May 02, 2023

pharmacy update

Murphy's Law dominates my life. Today, the pharmacy was open, but once again, it didn't have some of the meds I needed. When I asked whether they could order the meds, the lady staffer looked at me as if that were a revolutionary idea, so I added that that's what this place had done last time. (This time, two meds are unavailable as opposed to only one.) In an obvious attempt to get out of helping me, the lady then said that my prescription had a time limit: I was supposed to get the meds within three days of receiving the prescription. She kindly pointed out on the form where that was written. I told her I had tried to come by yesterday, but the place was closed. The lady asked me to wait, then she disappeared for a few minutes. When she returned, she said the pharmacy would order me the missing meds, and I'd receive all of my meds at one time tomorrow. They would text me, as they did last time, when the meds arrived and all had been prepared. I thanked the lady and left.

Nothing moves in a straight line in this country.


  1. I have never heard of an expiration date on getting a prescription filled. What's the purpose of that? It doesn't make any sense to me.



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