Monday, May 01, 2023

since Hollywood isn't honest enough to explore the reasons for its own collapse...

... it's up to Nerdrotic to talk about how Hollywood is only digging itself in deeper.*


*Pedantic comment: I'm not normally a fan of the "make a sentence by starting it in the title and ending it in the main text" school of blogging. To me, things like titles and captions ought to remain separate from the main text—each thing living in its own discrete world. If I introduce new information in a caption, I don't casually use pronouns in the main text to refer to what was said in the caption (and vice versa). Main text is main text; captions are captions. No crossover. Of course, there's no Académie Française of blogging, no final authority on what form is "official," so if you're the type who likes stream-of-consciousness segues between your main text, your title, and your captions, then you do you. For me, though, it's bad form. So I probably won't do the above again.

1 comment:

  1. I do the headline segway occasionally, but it's usually a common phrase with an obvious conclusion. Sometimes I do that to satisfy my desire to avoid duplicating a past post title.

    I've never really thought about the caption thing before. I tend to agree with your take, although I'm also likely guilty of doing the opposite, especially with the pronouns. We'll see if my awareness now improves my future performance.



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