Saturday, June 03, 2006

vee haff gut noose

I found my old Mac microphone! It was hiding in my underwear drawer, beneath some of the massive, tentlike briefs I wear into battle every day. For all I know, I've inadvertently worn this microphone into class. That would explain some of the staring I get from my students.

Plugged that puppy* into the computer and BAM-- sound!

Through the magic of my iMovie software (and probably a lot of help from my brother David, who is far more competent about these things), I'll be able to bring you-- I hope-- a low-tech audioblog with slideshow accompaniment.

The horror... the horror...

*"That puppy" is an idiomatic expression referring, in this case, to the Mac microphone. It does not refer to briefs or-- God forbid-- puppies.



  1. A modest suggestion:

    Please, for the love of all things good, resist the urge to audioblog bowel movements.

  2. At least not your own bowel movements.

  3. Actually, I don't think I'd want to hear anyone else's bowel movements either.

    And, to be honest, I'd be far more freaked out if Kevin went around recording other people's bowel movements than if he recorded his own.

  4. Hmmm... knowing how Kevin's mind works, I actually would LOOK FORWARD TO him audioblogging a bowel movement... imagine the potential! Why not audioblog it? I'm a half-step away from PHOTOBLOGGING mine! Need I remind you, I audioblogged my own FART? Even Montaigne would recite poetry and punctuate his recitation with a few loud cracks of his ass-trumpet.

    I rank bathroom humor right up there with gallows humor... tho the content might not necessarily be the most pleasant, it's all about the context, baby:)

    PS: I have a special plan for next St. Patrick's Day... I'm going to attempt something no one else has:)

  5. If Kevin could fart (or grunt) the Gettysburg Address - now THAT would be something worth broadcasting - even if only the first line.

  6. I can belch the first line of the Gettysburg Address, but I suppose that's not nearly as impressive as farting it...



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