Tuesday, December 07, 2021

last meals

It's risky to have a cheat meal so close to the date of my doctor visit, but that's what I'm doing—a sort of last hurrah before some major discipline (thanks, McDonald's). Tonight, I'll finish off with a bowl of sugar-free chocolate pudding. Seems like a fitting send-off.

Although I normally tell my boss and coworkers plenty about my personal life, I haven't shared with them that I'll be fasting for a week. For some reason, it feels better to remain mum. I'd like to think what I'm doing is in line with Jesus' admonition not to announce you're engaging in spiritual discipline, but (1) this isn't spiritual discipline, and (2) I've already rather vainly announced my intentions on this blog, so by the Jesus standard, I'm already a shit.

I weighed myself this morning, bracing for impact. I'm at 108.5 kg, so that's a 7.5-kilo net gain from a low point of 101 kg. I really wonder how much I'll drop over the course of the next seven days. Getting under 101 might be nice, but I know it'll be temporary; you regain weight after a fast, so fasting should never be considered a way to adjust your "set point," i.e., the weight that your body comes to see as your default weight. That said, if I can visit the hospital while weighing less than 101 kg, that will be a minor victory of sorts. After the doctor visit, we'll see what happens from there.

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