Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Tim Pool on yet more media lying

It's shameless, and it never ends: the media are constantly lying, and they don't seem to care whether they get caught. Unfortunately, half the country remains addicted to this bullshit and won't read around more widely than their limited ambit of biased news sources. I talked with a liberal-leaning friend just the other day about the way California's major cities are turning into cesspits of feces and syringes, even mentioning the phone apps that now allow you to avoid feces- and syringe-dense areas of places like San Francisco. This was all news to my friend, who had heard about none of this. Liberals: do yourselves a favor and step outside your tight little bubble. Tim Pool is a fantastic gateway drug in that respect: he's a liberal like you, but he's committed to telling the truth and counteracting the left's constant lies. Would he be doing the same if it were the right that was constantly lying? I think he absolutely would, but as he stresses, it's the left that currently has a problem with telling the truth.

And given that the media overwhelmingly lean left...


  1. I think you have hit the nail on the head here. Those of us on the right cannot help but be subjected to the bias of left-leaning media. What I and most of us do is use that as a starting point to search for the truth. Thankfully, there are people like Mr. Pool out there providing alternative facts. And then guess what? I make up my own mind! I wish our friends on the left had more inquiring minds. If they did, we wouldn't have wasted these past 3 years arguing about Russia and this current Ukraine farce/impeachment fiasco. Lots of issues we could be debating and discussing that actually matter. I think there is a lot of common ground to be found on immigration and tax reform for example. Sadly, that is not going to happen until we move beyond the spoon-fed talking points the left constantly regurgitates.



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