Saturday, November 09, 2019

today's agenda

Today's agenda is simple enough:

1. Get a haircut.
2. Go out to Itaewon, track down ground turkey, and buy it.
3. Write up the walk blog's epilogue post.
4. Upload the updated tee-shirt design, with dates and map corrected.
5. Write review of "Toy Story 4."

UPDATE: haircut was successful. Partial failure in Itaewon: I visited the two neighboring foreign-food marts in search of ground turkey, and I came away with ground lamb,* which I'll use tomorrow when I make my version of Scotch pie. I'll see, tomorrow, whether Garak Market has any turkey. If I can't find turkey anywhere, I'll default to chicken. Both food marts in Itaewon sell huge packs of raw chicken breast for very cheap, and I can use my food processor to grind the meat. One way or another, burdz will be on the menu, baby.

*I also came away with bleached almond flour from the second foreign-food mart. Finding that was a huge surprise. I have almond flour already, for keto recipes, but it's the coarse-ground kind, where they don't peel the almonds before grinding them. Bleached almond flour is, practically speaking, much better for keto recipes.



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